“Perverted” Sex with Russian prostitutes, kickbacks, bribes and other Trump follies revealed

we’re all doomed. Seriously. You can’t control, let alone govern a society in which the very idea of norms or standards is non-existent. In a way, it is the triumph of moral relativism. There is no right or wrong, but opinion makes it so. This, I believe, is the biggest challenge facing our world at … Read more

Letter from Texas

By Jim Schutze http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/letter-from-texas-listen-america-trump-is-just-embarrassing-cruz-is-scary-8095715“… you don’t live in Texas, so you haven’t had a lot of opportunity to hear Cruz’s father speak or pay close attention to his behavior. Please. Google him. YouTube him. Take a look at Rafael Cruz. One of the first YouTube items that will pop up is a strange video of … Read more


Just saw a news report that North Dakota has passed a law that proclaims that life begins at conception.  They’re wrong.  Eggs are already alive.  Sperm are already alive.  Everyone agrees that life “began” long ago  (whether you believe in evolution or not.)   It’s never ended. What they are trying to say is that a new human being comes into existence at conception. I guess they will be issuing “Conception Certificates” instead of “Birth Certificates” now.  So all conceptions will have to be reported to the state and recorded.