Pence’s record

I’ve heard a lot of people talk about the desire for Trump to be impeached early on in his presidency, but it’s becoming clearer by the day that Mike Pence as President would likely be far worse for America <blockquote>‘Mike Pence said you should not only take away money from HIV and AIDS programs, he … Read more

there are no facts anymore

The bottom line is that most of the people in this country cannot distinguish between a fact and an opinion. If somebody that the low information trogolodytes have imbued with authority, such as our Orange Prophet president says something, that becomes concrete, indelible fact in these peoples’ “minds,” no matter how preposterous the assertion might … Read more

Look at Trump’s heart???

It’s a remarkable approach to defending the indefensible, and it’s hard to imagine Conway seriously believing her own rhetoric. It’s the closest I’ve ever seen a political figure come to literally asking, “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” 1. Donald Trump says a lot of things that aren’t true. 2. … Read more

What Those Who Studied Nazis Can Teach Us About The Strange Reaction To Donald Trump | The Huffington Post

We should not waste our time or imaginations trying to reconfigure Trumpism to explain why all of the “good people” supported him. It is more important to see it for what it is and resist. Hopefully, they will join us. If not, it will not be necessary to call them names, they will have named … Read more

Young Earth Creationist Ben Carson Could Be America’s New Secretary Of Education | IFLScience

Ben Carson is clearly a man who isn’t interested in educating himself, or even making it more easily accessible to the public. Not only has he previously spoken out against free college education, but he also once claimed that the Biblical figure Joseph built Egypt’s Great Pyramids in order to store grain and is under the … Read more

Abbreviated pundit roundup: How Trump will affect your federal and state taxes, Medicare, and more

According to the Tax Policy Center, nearly half the benefits from the Trump plan would go to the top 1% of households—those earning more than about $700,000. It could also increase taxes on many single parents and two-parent families with more than two children LeBron James, a vocal Clinton supporter, stands to save $2.3 million … Read more

Letter from Texas

By Jim Schutze“… you don’t live in Texas, so you haven’t had a lot of opportunity to hear Cruz’s father speak or pay close attention to his behavior. Please. Google him. YouTube him. Take a look at Rafael Cruz. One of the first YouTube items that will pop up is a strange video of … Read more