G.O.P. Is Planning to Replace Health Law

As Supreme Court Weighs Health Law, G.O.P. Is Planning to Replace It
The prospects of legal victory have raised practical and political fears that Republicans will take the blame for the health care crisis that would follow. The New York Times
“Senior Republicans in Congress hope that … the Supreme Court will invalidate the subsidies that 7.5 million Americans in 34 states have been given to purchase health insurance … But … raised … fears that Republicans will take the blame for the health care crisis that would follow. … Representatives Paul D.

Minimum Wage

Business is about making a profit.  To be successful, i.e. to make a profit, a business must receive more for the product or service provided  than it cost to produce it.  That cost includes every expense that must be incurred to produce the product or service.  If the price doesn’t cover the cost AND provide a sufficient excess, the business will die.

Income Distribution

For the life of me I can not understand why people keep supporting politicians who have been bought and paid for by the likes of the Koch brothers and the oil and gas industry.
“$100 from 2 million people … a total of $200 million … is 20 percent of what the Koch brothers themselves are prepared to spend. … Maybe the game is over. Maybe they have bought the United States government. Maybe there is no turning back. Maybe we’ve gone over the edge. I don’t know. I surely hope not.


“In the Hobby Lobby cases, five male Justices of the Supreme Court, who are all members of the Catholic faith and who each were appointed by a President who hailed from the Republican party, decided that a huge corporation, with thousands of employees and gargantuan revenues, was a ‘person’ entitled to assert a religious objection to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate because that corporation was ‘closely held’ by family members.