69 House Republicans agree with Trump: Let Puerto Rico drown – Shareblue Media

Between slow-walking military aid to the island, viciously attacking the mayor of San Juan, throwing paper towels at people with no water and power, and repeatedly refusing to allow foreign ships to enter Puerto Rican ports with supplies, he is whining how ungrateful Puerto Ricans are and that FEMA cannot stay “forever.” is giving every impression he simply does not care about Puerto Ricans the way he did about people in Texas and FloridaAnd Trump’s attitude has given many House Republicans the signal that it is OK to give Puerto Ricans the short shrift, too.

On Thursday, the House overwhelmingly passed a $36.5 billion aid package that will primarily be used to help rebuild Puerto Rico. Every single Democrat voted yes. But 69 Republicans — roughly one-third of the entire caucus — voted no.

Source: 69 House Republicans agree with Trump: Let Puerto Rico drown – Shareblue Media

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