“Perverted” Sex with Russian prostitutes, kickbacks, bribes and other Trump follies revealed

we’re all doomed. Seriously. You can’t control, let alone govern a society in which the very idea of norms or standards is non-existent. In a way, it is the triumph of moral relativism. There is no right or wrong, but opinion makes it so. This, I believe, is the biggest challenge facing our world at … Read more

Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time | GQ

Bill Clinton will long be revered because he’s charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the Democratic Party. Barack Obama will long be revered because he’s charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the presidency. He’s simply bigger than Bill. Source: Why Obama … Read more

Look at Trump’s heart???

It’s a remarkable approach to defending the indefensible, and it’s hard to imagine Conway seriously believing her own rhetoric. It’s the closest I’ve ever seen a political figure come to literally asking, “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” 1. Donald Trump says a lot of things that aren’t true. 2. … Read more

McCain and Graham bow to McConnell’s obstruction of Russia hacking investigation

McConnell also blocked public release of information about what was happening ahead of the elections, so nothing new here. “Top Republican obstructing release of politically inconvenient information” is not exactly breaking news in this day and age. Just as “John McCain talks just big enough to be called a maverick, then backs down” is a story we’ve … Read more

We’re the popular party: Senate Democrats won over 23 million more votes than Republicans

there are more people on our side than theirs—and the votes prove it. The Democratic candidate recieved 3,000,0000 more votes than the Republican candidate in the presidential election and the 48 members of the Democratic caucus in the Senate, in their most recent respective elections , collectively earned 78.4 million votes on their way to … Read more