White House Admits Trump Lied About Bringing Back Coal Jobs

http://www.politicususa.com/2017/05/26/coal-miners-crushed-white-house-admits-trump-lied-bringing-coal-jobs.html The truth is that the coal jobs are gone, and they aren’t coming back. Trump lied to former and current coal miners in places like West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania. Coal company bankruptcies and job losses in the Appalachian region weren’t caused by “federal regulations” as the company owners and Republicans like … Read more

Trump’s boasts about jobs saved at Carrier start to evaporate | MSNBC

Carrier, the company President Trump pledged to keep on American soil, informed the state of Indiana this week that it will soon begin cutting 632 workers from an Indianapolis factory. The manufacturing jobs will move to Monterrey, Mexico, where the minimum wage is $3.90 per day. That was never supposed to happen, according to Trump’s … Read more

Elon Musk: Automation Will Force Governments to Introduce Universal Basic Income

Musk relayed concerns that autonomous technology will impact jobs, and he noted that we will likely have intelligent, massive-scale automation for transportation relatively soon—within the next few decades, in fact: “Twenty years is a short period of time to have something like 12-15 percent of the workforce be unemployed,” he said, pointing out the extent of … Read more

German newspaper rips Trump, calling him ‘unfit’ and ‘a danger to the world’

Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has … Read more

FBI probing attempted hack of Trump Organization, officials say – ABC News

On May 5, golf writer James Dodson told WBUR radio that Eric Trump had bragged to him that Trump golf courses “have all the funding we need out of Russia,” a statement Eric Trump later denied making. In 2008, Don Jr. told investors in Moscow that the Trump Organization had trademarked the Donald Trump name … Read more