there are no facts anymore

The bottom line is that most of the people in this country cannot distinguish between a fact and an opinion. If somebody that the low information trogolodytes have imbued with authority, such as our Orange Prophet president says something, that becomes concrete, indelible fact in these peoples’ “minds,” no matter how preposterous the assertion might … Read more

Segregation by another name

Segregation by another name a Trump administration plan to cut $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives, according to budget documents obtained by The Washington Post. The administration would channel part of the savings into its top priority: school choice. It seeks to spend about $400 million to expand charter schools and vouchers for private and … Read more

Lynch people who take down Confederate monuments, says Mississippi state rep. on Facebook

Over the past few hours, I’ve watched as a Facebook post (which Facebook has just taken down — screenshot above) by Mississippi state representative Karl Oliver has become a national news sensation as multiple major MSM outlets have now picked up on his call for people who take down Confederate monuments to be lynched. Here’s … Read more

The life and death of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory – The Washington Post

When Seth Rich’s Gmail account received an alert this week from, attempting to start a new account on a website created by the New Zealand-based Internet businessman and convicted hacker Kim Dotcom, his family knew that something was off. A conspiracy theory that began on pro-President Trump message boards — a theory that Rich … Read more

Nobel Prize economist on Trump’s budget: ‘You could say it’s a collection of lies put together’

what’s striking is, while he assumes that there’s going to be more growth, if you look at the budget, it’s designed to reduce growth. He cuts out support for science, for R&D, which is the basis of productivity growth. He cuts out support for job retraining, so when people leave one job, they can be … Read more

Do you approve of Betsy DeVos?

The budget Betsy DeVos has been working on slashes funding that supports after-school programs for children from underserved communities, training for teachers and reducing class size. And it would completely eliminate funding for mental health services, anti-bullying initiatives, physical education and more – all while funneling hundreds of millions of dollars out of local public … Read more

Be rich or suffer

74 million Americans rely on Medicaid for vital medical care and treatment. We cannot rob people of necessary healthcare just to make the rich richer.  The GOP health plan is simple and cruel: Be rich or suffer.  On the campaign trail, Trump set himself apart from the GOP field by promising to protect Medicaid, but … Read more

He played me for a fool

Source: ‘He played me for a fool’: Kentucky Trump supporter laments he should have voted for Hillary  Kentucky Trump supporter Wesley Easterling regrets his vote, he believed it when Trump told voters he would fight for them. Now, however, Trump is cutting programs that help people like him survive Easterling is on food stamps and … Read more

Military Publicly Humiliates Trump “We have two submarines—the best in the world,” Trump told Duterte. “We don’t have to use this, but [Kim] could be crazy, so we will see what happens.” This is CLEARLY a breach of national security, and it has top officials in the Pentagon horrified. Trump’s loose lips have broadcast the location of two … Read more