“Here, President Trump defined ‘fake news’ the way Joseph Stalin defined ‘enemies of the people’: if they offer a slightest objection to his rule they must be wrong,” Kruscheva told the Washington Examiner. “And they must be silenced.”
Nina Kruscheva, an international affairs professor at New York’s The New School and granddaughter of Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev, has drawn parallels between President Donald Trump and the USSR’s Joseph Stalin.
“I think we should simply say that. I think his record of rhetoric and policy bears that out,” she said. “When the president does not defend the right of all citizens to express their views in whatever form they have, then what we are on is the path to fascism and everyone should be enraged. I certainly am.” Rutgers University professor Dr Brittany Cooper
Source: America may be galloping toward authoritarian neo-fascism