How Facebook May Have Destroyed Our Democracy—For Good

The Russians simply applied the techniques they’d already been using on their own citizens to the 2016 American presidential campaign, taking full advantage of the fact that no one would be able—at least until after the fact—to track their meddling due to the sheer inundation of postings targeted to specific pro-Trump voters. And America did … Read more

America may be galloping toward authoritarian neo-fascism

“Here, President Trump defined ‘fake news’ the way Joseph Stalin defined ‘enemies of the people’: if they offer a slightest objection to his rule they must be wrong,” Kruscheva told the Washington Examiner. “And they must be silenced.” Nina Kruscheva, an international affairs professor at New York’s The New School and granddaughter of Soviet leader … Read more


Imagine for a moment being so gullible that you could actually believe the following things: That Trump is a Christian in any meaningful sense at all, or cares even the tiniest little bit about religion and morality. That there was actually some sort of plot to stop people from saying Merry Christmas. That Trump has … Read more

69 House Republicans agree with Trump: Let Puerto Rico drown – Shareblue Media

Between slow-walking military aid to the island, viciously attacking the mayor of San Juan, throwing paper towels at people with no water and power, and repeatedly refusing to allow foreign ships to enter Puerto Rican ports with supplies, he is whining about how ungrateful Puerto Ricans are and that FEMA cannot stay “forever.” Trump is … Read more