Exactly!!! That group of GOP leaders signed that written agreement and the TEA PARTY started their attacking of Obama with the first two weeks he took office. And Obama actually won the popular vote, and the electoral college, and had a MANDATE! Trump doesn’t. He was Elected solely by the electoral college, not the will of the people. We will take him down. And all those corrupt GOPs and appointees with him! Karma is a b!tch!!
Source: “Perverted” Sex with Russian prostitutes, kickbacks, bribes and other Trump follies revealed
we’re all doomed. Seriously. You can’t control, let alone govern a society in which the very idea of norms or standards is non-existent. In a way, it is the triumph of moral relativism. There is no right or wrong, but opinion makes it so.
This, I believe, is the biggest challenge facing our world at this time — finding a way to bring reality back to reality.
2010. Mitch McConnell:.. Before Obama ever did a thing.