The Politics of the Evangelical Right, and Their Very Public Sin

In 1998  Bill Clinton was embroiled in a scandal that ended with Congress attempting to impeach him.  James Dobson (leader of Focus on the Family, an Evangelical “values voters” political group) wrote a letter: “character DOES matter. You can’t run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person … Read more

Trump closes with an anti-Semitic ad—but for the Republican Party, it may be only a beginning

Racism, misogyny, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and nationalism promoted through blatant misinformation and the peddling of an unending stream of conspiracy theories; a distain for both the opposition party and democracy itself; this describes not just Trump, but his audience. Source: Trump closes with an anti-Semitic ad—but for the Republican Party, it may be only a beginningRead … Read more

Confessions of a Former Hillary Hater

RSSREBLOGGED BYKatydid   In every election, some overzealous supporters of a presidential candidate will compare the opponent to Hitler. But in this election cycle, Trump‘s own supporters were saying Trump was like Hitler, and they were doing so with approval. We would have to be utterly blind not to be horrified. Trump wouldn’t just be a … Read more

Bill Maher slams evangelicals: Their Trump support proves who they really are

“Before leaving this election behind we must all thank Donald Trump for the one good thing he did,” Bill Maher said. “He exposed evangelicals who are big Trump supporters as the shameless hypocrites they have always been. I don’t know if you noticed, but Republicans didn’t get to play the Jesus card this time around … Read more

Donald Trump Voters, Just Hear Me Out – The New York Times

While I’ve opposed the Trump candidacy from the start, I’ve never disparaged Trump voters. Some are friends and neighbors; they’re all fellow Americans. We should take their concerns seriously. But we should also demand that they be serious, that they draw distinctions between these two presidential candidates. Yes, Hillary Clinton is a flawed leader — … Read more

Jimmy Carter: ‘Losing My Religion For Equality’

This discrimination, unjustifiably attributed to a Higher Authority, has provided a reason or excuse for the deprivation of women’s equal rights across the world for centuries. At its most repugnant, the belief that women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape … Read more

Pastor cautions Christian women about those Trump-loving Men of the Christian Right—and he NAILS it

The most vigorous defense of ”Trump‘s degradation of women is coming from those who most loudly claim they represent God and identify themselves as spiritual leaders.”  “They don’t speak for me.  They certainly don’t speak for God.” Source: Pastor cautions Christian women about those Trump-loving Men of the Christian Right—and he NAILS itRead more

AZ teacher to Muslim student: ‘I can’t wait until Trump is elected. He’s going to deport all you’

The ACLU has filed an official complaint against an Arizona public charter school after a sixth grade teacher from the Academy of Excellence in Phoenix repeatedly viciously harassed a Muslim student Source: AZ teacher to Muslim student: ‘I can’t wait until Trump is elected. He’s going to deport all you’Read more

A Trump presidency would wreck the world’s economy. Just ask investors

Trump loves to brag about his business acumen, despite nearly $1 billion in losses and his multiple bankruptcies. But his understanding of business and economics is really limited to his real estate deals, his hotels and casinos, and his brand-name products. Despite his bluster about China, trade deals, and other enterprises, he is showing that … Read more