To Topple the King

There’s a lesson in this that’s similar to one learned from the Hundred Years War (or Game of Thrones). Once someone shows that it’s possible to topple the king, organizing to do it again only becomes easier. And easier. Gingrich conservatives ate the traditional Republican Party. Then the Tea Party ate them. Now the white … Read more

It’s been a week, and Trump is well on his way to becoming most crooked president in history

short of simply baking the president a cake with hundred dollar bills inside, foreign dignitaries putting cash money into Donald Trump‘s own corporate bank accounts for the explicit purpose of currying favor with him as president seems like just about the most transparent case of corruption in office one could plausibly imagine. It’s so beyond … Read more

Trump’s senior White House advisor says in radio interview that liberal women are a ‘bunch of dykes’

This man is the top advisor to the president of the United States. Think about that for a minute. Already Republicans like Reince Preibus and Newt Gingrich are taking to America’s media giants to explain that Bannon went to Harvard, he was in the Navy, etc. They are trying to normalize a man who denigrates … Read more

Threatening us? Here’s some critique for you, Kellyanne: F-ck you and F-ck Trump

Trump‘s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway threatened Harry Reid for harshly criticizing Trump’s election and all the ugliness Trump stands for. Conway says Reid should be “very careful about characterizing somebody in a legal sense.” Reid replied “It only took five days for President-elect Trump to try to silence his critics with the threat of legal action. This should shock and concern all Americans.” … Read more

What I told a client

Hate media (Fox, Rush, Savage, Jones, Drudge, Breitbart, Falwell Jr. et al.) use exactly the same propaganda techniques used by Goebbels in the 1930s and by Radio Moscow in the 1970s-1990s, only slicker.  And people eat it up.  In fact, these past few months it was hard to tell the difference between the Russian state-controlled … Read more

Donald Trump’s racist immigration advisor is drafting instructions to begin deportations on day one

Kris Kobach is the architect of the most racist law in modern America history. He devised Arizona’s S.B. 1070 law that gave police the power to stop people with brown skin or a foreign accent, demanding they prove their citizenship on the spot and jail them if they are unable to produce their citizenship paperwork. That … Read more