Washington Monthly | Republican Ideology and Obstruction Are No Substitute for a Plan

While articulating ideological goals can win a public relations contest in the short term, unless they are grounded in pragmatic solutions, they can come back to haunt you over the long term. We are now witnessing a perfect example of that as Republicans are faced with the challenge of following through on their promise to … Read more

Washington Monthly | The Right’s War on Unions Will Finish Us Off

The Republicans never have been a friend to miners, and they’re only perceived that way right now because the entire industry is collapsing and the GOP says that they can do something about it. At some point, it’s going to become clear that destroying unions and devouring pensions is what’s really on the Trump menu. … Read more

More Than 6 Million Americans Who Want Full-Time Jobs Are Stuck Working Part-Time – Working In These Times

voluntary part-time work has remained more or less stable since 2007, around the start of the recession. But involuntary part-time work has increased by about 18 times the rate of growth of all work, and five times faster than part-time work. Currently, some 6.4 million Americans who want full-time jobs are stuck working part-time hours … Read more

Democrats, Don’t Repeat Obama’s Biggest Mistake | New Republic

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters last week.: “Once you say that everybody should be covered, can’t be denied coverage because they are sick—which most Americans would agree with that—you put yourself in a box. Somebody’s got to work through this problem. If we’re going to accept the proposition that you can never be denied … Read more

Evangelicals pretty proud of electing Trump after decades of judging people for their ‘lifestyles’

white evangelicals lost any claim to morality this election. Never again can they claim the high ground or say a candidate is unfit for office because of their personal beliefs or actions. They have sullied themselves by jumping into bed with Trump. It’s satisfying to see how proud they are after having spent the last several decades … Read more

This is a long email about Daily Kos, but please read the whole thing. It’s important. – lvruss@gmail.com – Gmail

Donald Trump‘s victory is a call to action to progressives everywhere. His campaign was the most misogynist, racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic in history. He campaigned for a more aggressive police state and mass deportation. He promised to destroy any progress made on climate change, and Republicans have promised to use his presidency to privatize Medicare … Read more

Kids in Michigan have no right to be educated in state’s schools

The lawsuit says the schools are in “slum-like conditions” and “functionally incapable of delivering access to literacy.” The case, filed in federal court, directly accuses Gov. Rick Snyder, the state school board and others of violating the civil rights of low-income students. Source: Kids in Michigan have no right to be educated in state’s schoolsRead … Read more