It’s been a week, and Trump is well on his way to becoming most crooked president in history

short of simply baking the president a cake with hundred dollar bills inside, foreign dignitaries putting cash money into Donald ‘s own corporate bank accounts for the explicit purpose of currying favor with him as president seems like just the most transparent case of corruption in office one could plausibly imagine. It’s so beyond the pale of whatever Trump accused other candidates of, with his Crooked Hillary or Lyin’ Ted or take-your-pick that it seems the stuff of a cartoon.

Crooked Don is already setting up the very real, very public avenues through which he will be bribed. And he’s essentially daring the government to do something about it; the only thing we know for sure is that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of his now deeply crooked party will defend that crookery at every turn.

Source: It’s been a week, and Trump is well on his way to becoming most crooked president in history

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