Threatening us? Here’s some critique for you, Kellyanne: F-ck you and F-ck Trump

‘s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway threatened Harry Reid for harshly criticizing Trump’s election and all the ugliness Trump stands for. Conway says Reid should be “very careful  characterizing somebody in a sense.” Reid replied “It only took five days for President-elect Trump to try to silence his critics with the threat of legal action. This should shock and concern all Americans.” And it most definitely does.  Hunter writes: Donald Trump’s minions seem to be confused about this, so let’s fill them in on something they’re going to need to know going forward: The President of the United States has the least legal protection against criticism or libel of anyone in the country. As the ultimate public figure, courts are obliged to grant public citizens wide leeway. This is why, for example, elected public officials, citizens, and the Fox News channel have been repeatedly able to peddle 100% false information about Barack Obama for a decade with absolutely no repercussions.

Source: Threatening us? Here’s some critique for you, Kellyanne: F-ck you and F-ck Trump

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