Deterring an Iranian Nuclear Breakout

Those like Mr. Netanyahu who have opposed any agreement except on terms that cannot be realized should not engage in wishful thinking about the likelihood of such alternative approaches succeeding. They should be clear-eyed in comparing these alternatives with the kind of agreement that can be realized. Of course, if Iran is not prepared to accept a reasonable deal, the United States would have little choice but to turn to nondiplomatic approaches.

It’s a jobs bill! It’s a jobs bill!

Republicans like to point to Keystone XL as one of their signature jobs bills “It’s a jobs bill! It’s a jobs bill!” But Tuesday afternoon Sen. Ed Markey’s amendment to prohibit oil shipped through the pipeline from being exported was killed by a 57 to 42 vote. Sen. Al Franken’s amendment that the pipeline be built with American steel was killed by a 53 to 46 vote.

Reagan Adviser to GOP

“I think he probably would be booed out of the crowd,” Bruce Bartlett
Reagan adviser to GOP – ‘They are really rather stupid and not very well read’
Last week at CPAC potential Republican candidates were invoking President Ronald Reagan ad-nauseam….