“Senior Republicans in Congress hope that … the Supreme Court will invalidate the subsidies that 7.5 million Americans in 34 states have been given to purchase health insurance … But … raised … fears that Republicans will take the blame for the health care crisis that would follow. … Representatives Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, Fred Upton of Michigan and John Kline of Minnesota, … proposed what they called an “off ramp” from the Obama health act … In the Senate, Mr. Hatch and Senator Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, are pushing an even broader plan to replace the health law. Their … Act would offer tax subsidies for the purchase of health care to any family earning up to 300 percent of the poverty level and replace the Obama health care tax on expensive “Cadillac” health plans with a limit on the conductibility of employer-provided health insurance. … do away with the… expansion of Medicaid, and … end the mandate that large employers provide insurance and that most individuals be insured. The nonpartisan Center for Health and Economy estimated that four million people would lose insurance under the plan
“ … these plans essentially want to do away with the employer mandate, … the individual mandate, … and we could go into a death spiral in the individual insurance market because healthy people won’t buy it. The risk pool will keep getting sicker and sicker.” Uwe Reinhardt, a health care economist at Princeton University”