I used to be a Republican

I used to be a Republican. There have been a lot of great Republicans; Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt , Dwight Eisenhower, the Rockefeller brothers. Hell, I even voted for Nixon in '68 (but don't tell anyone!) I even supported George, Mitt's father in '68 until he dropped out of the race. There were no "birthers" like Trump and the others today who claimed he was ineligible to be President because he was born in Mexico.

The Measure of Success

How do you measure success? Dollars and Cents? By that criteria Lincoln, Florence Nightingale, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, MLK, even Jesus were failures. Real success means doing something with your life that lets people live better lives, makes the world a better place to live. Getting rich is just a side affect that some experience. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, got rich, but more importantly, they were successful. Mitt Romney got rich.

The Middle Class

One of the favorite “buzzwords” the politicians keep using is “middle class.” Do you know who Romney or Obama are talking about when they use it?  I don’t. It would be helpful if they would tell us who they mean when they say “the middle class.”  I suspect they are not talking about the same people.
My curiosity got the better of me and I did a Google search to see what I could find.  I got 510,000,000 results.  I looked at a few.


Dean Heller along with all the other Republicans keep harping on the fact that Congress hasn’t passed a budget in three years.  Does it matter?

Que Sera, Sera

"It is what it is" is obviously true, but "que sera, sera" is not.  I reject the idea that we have nothing to say about the future.  We can not change the past, (although there have been many attempts to re-write history) but "what will be" is what we make it.

What I learned watching the RNC.

Mit Romney is a nice guy and his wife loves him.
Paul Ryan once washed dishes and waited tables at a restaurant.
As President and Vice President they will “lead from the front.” I didn’t learn where they will lead us or what path we’ll follow.
They will “protect” medicare. They didn’t say who or what from or how they’ll do it.
They will “restore America’s future.” I have no idea what they mean by that and they didn’t say.