The total amount of money that is spent on salaries for the members of the military in America is equal to the total amount of salaries for the members of the military including that which is used to provide their children with food, clothing, shelter, and the cost of sending them to school plus the amount provided for the adult members of the military members family to provide them with food, clothing and shelter plus what they spend on other things or save plus the amount spent on drugs and alcohol from the salaries of the members of the military.
Anyone who claims that all of the money America spends on salaries for the members of the military is being used for the purchase of drugs and alcohol is just plain stupid. Anyone who claims that none of the money America spends on salaries for the members of the military is used for the purchase of drugs and alcohol is also stupid.
Reducing the total amount America spends on salaries for the members of the military will not eliminate some of the money spent on salaries for the members of the military from being used to purchase drugs and alcohol unless the the reduction is to zero. No one in his right mind would advocate reducing the total amount America spends on salaries for the members of the military to zero unless the goal is to let the members of the military, their children and the adult members of their families starve to death. There may be good reasons to advocate a reduction in the total amount spent on military salaries but advocating a reduction in the total amount of salaries paid to members of the military or a reduction in the amount paid to each person receiving part of that total amount as a solution to the problem that some of the money being spent on salaries for members of the military is being used to purchase drugs and alcohol defies all logic and is obviously not a solution to the problem that some of the money being spent on salaries for members of the military is being used to purchase drugs and alcohol.
The total amount of money that is spent on welfare in America is equal to the total amount of welfare that is used to provide the children in the homes of those receiving welfare with food, clothing, shelter, and the cost of sending them to school plus the amount provided for an adult to provide the adult with food, clothing and shelter to take care of and supervise the children for at least some part of every day plus the amount spent on the cost of drugs and alcohol by those receiving welfare.
Anyone who claims that all of the money America spends on welfare is being used for the purchase of drugs and alcohol is just plain stupid. Anyone who claims that none of the money America spends on welfare is being used for the purchase of drugs and alcohol is also stupid.
Reducing the total amount America spends on welfare will not eliminate some of the money spent on welfare from being used to purchase drugs and alcohol unless the the reduction is to zero. No one in his right mind would advocate reducing the total amount America spends on welfare to zero unless the goal is to let the children and the adults who care for and supervise them starve to death or they believe that contributions to charities will be enough to take care of them. There may be good reasons to advocate a reduction in the total amount spent on welfare but advocating a reduction in the total amount of welfare or a reduction in the amount paid to each person receiving part of that total amount as a solution to the problem that some of the money being spent on welfare is being used to purchase drugs and alcohol defies all logic and is obviously not a solution to the problem that some of the money being spent on welfare is being used to purchase drugs and alcohol.
In both of these cases the problem is that some of the tax payer’s money is being spent to buy drugs and alcohol. No amount of adjustment for the total amount spent or the amount spent on each person receiving part of that total amount in either case is a solution to the problem. The solution must address the problem … that is, some of the tax payers money is being spent to buy drugs and alcohol. What ever solution is found that works to solve the problem in either case will have nothing to do with the total amount spent or the amount spent on each person receiving part of that total and it will cost the tax payers additional money to implement the solution.
Just thiinking outloud about why some people say we should cut the amount the government spends on welfare becasue some of it is being spent to buy drugs and alcohol. That's not a valid reason to do it.