Took a break from all the Genealogy research and have been exploring
and learning Google+. If you like facebook your going to love Google+.
It’s like facebook but with better control of the post you see by your
friends (you can sort them by circles of friends and see only the ones
from one circle at a time); Like Skype but without the limitation of
one person to a call, Like twitter but without the 140 character
limitation. But its by invitation only right now since it’s still in
No tags for this post. and learning Google+. If you like facebook your going to love Google+.
It’s like facebook but with better control of the post you see by your
friends (you can sort them by circles of friends and see only the ones
from one circle at a time); Like Skype but without the limitation of
one person to a call, Like twitter but without the 140 character
limitation. But its by invitation only right now since it’s still in