Site Updated…kind of

The theft of the computer I used to do my programing for the site cost me my Shutterbug and iWeb files.  I foolishly had deleted the backups of these files from my host.  But the silver lining is that I’ve simplified everything and created a more logical structure to the sites.

Back on Line

If you visited during the last few days you were greeted by a message that the site was unavailable.  That was because I locked everything down.  I did that because we were burglarized and all our computers were stolen.  I’ve brought the site back up now since I think I have successfully blocked any access by anyone who may have found access information on the computers that were stolen.

700 Billion for Wall Street?

Let’s see now, a bunch of incompetent, greedy multi-millionaires and billionaires spent the  last 8 years spending millions of dollars lobbying a bunch of millionaires called the Congress of the United States to let them do anything they wanted to our economy and succeeded  in destroying it, and now a lying incompetent multi-millionaire President of the United States and his $200,000,000 golden parachute Secretary of the Treasury says we (that is the less than $100,000 a year income taxpayers) have to cough up $700, 000, 000, 000 for them or we will all lose our jobs, our savings, and

Election 08

It occurred to me today that the Obama campaign is failing to address a very big concern of the voters.  The voters of the country have lost all faith in government.  His ideas and plans and policies are right but voters are not hearing from him what they are hearing form the other side and that is what is making them support McCain. McCain is constantly hammering home the idea that Washington is out of touch, Washington is corrupt, Washington is the cause of the country’s problems, Washington is the enemy of the people.

Political Catch Up

Liz and I were both delegates to The Clark County convention which was a disaster.  About 4 times as many people showed up for the convention as expected and the convention had to be reconvened weeks later to complete the voting.
Again, both Liz and I were selected as delegates to the Nevada State convention which met in Reno.  This was better run, but ran about an hour or two behind schedule all weekend.
Even though President Bill Clinton came to Reno to address the convention, the results of the caucuses were reversed at the convention.

Happy Web Designing

I’ve finished another redesign of all my websites and gotten them merged so that there is just one front door to everything.  Still have a lot of stuff to get back.  This redesign started from scratch except for this blog.  The biggest take down was the photo albums.  I’ve given up on Gallery.  Just too slow and cumbersome in spite of all the great features it offered.

Nevada Caucuses

The Nevada Caucuses took place Saturday and Liz and I attended our precinct Democratic caucus at the local school.  We had 117 show up.  Only 3 candidates received support and (unfortunately) Edwards only had 15 supporters.  The viability cut off was 18 and we were unable to convince anyone to join us so we had to redistribute ourselves. Obama managed to come out with 1 more delegate than Clinton in our precinct.  I still prefer Edwards and hope he can manages to do better in the remaining primaries.