Update on activities

Have been spending my time on the personal website (RussPerry.com) experimenting with new software. Have finally gotten the hang of it and will be moving the entire site to the new software.That site, like all my sites, gets very little traffic, but then who cares. I don’t do this for popularity, but since I have all my time available to do as I wish this is what I wish.Meanwhile, the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, and who but “We the People” are to blame for that? At least in this country. Actually, it seems that “We” (the good old USA) are getting more like Rome everyday. Yea it’s true we have spread our lifestyle around the world and made it the envy of peoples everywhere, but we have also, like Rome, made ourselves the most hated people on the planet.With leaders like those we have chosen, what more can we expect!

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